TLC Gadsden

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Trinity Lutheran is in the process of updating their website. Check back for updates!!

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Trinity Lutheran is in the process of updating their website. Check back for updates!!


What we Believe

Comming Soon! We will be updating vistiors on the Pre-school program!

Trinity Lutheran Church's Sign

"We preach Christ crucified." 1 Cor.1: 23

So why is that scripture on our sign? To witness!

To the unbeliever, we respond to the "why" with the why. That God, who is holy and just, demands our perfection in order for us to enter His Kingdom of Heaven. Nothing less will do. And we, on our own, are "less." We daily sin and fall short of His perfection. "But isn’t God love?" Oh, but yes! And in His love for us He sent us his Son, Jesus Christ, so that through His perfect sacrifice at Calvary’s cross and His resurrection on Easter Sunday, our sins would be forgiven; our unworthiness would be replaced with His robe of righteousness. That, my friend, is amazing grace!

And to the believer? Well, guess what? We respond the same way! We all need to be reminded daily of the love of Christ poured out for us. And what a great way to practice our witness with fellow believers!

Make sense? I pray so.

Sometime I’ll explain why the cross is off-center on our building. It’s a good one!

Church Lady