Lutheran Links

You can visit the official LCMS website. They offer a plethora of other links and resources of all things Lutheran.

Lutheran Central organizes a valuable set of Lutheran web sites and resources into an easy to navigate directory.

The Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) shares the Gospel message with others all over the world. Visit their site for more information.

The Department of Youth Ministry (DYM) of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod supports and serves congregations in their ministry with youth in the church.

This daily devotion is provided by the LHM.

LCMS's AM Radio Station KFUO

Portals of Prayer, Lutheran Programs

These services are brought to you by Lutheran Programs and require a RealAudio Player. If you need it go here: RealAudio Player

Today's  Verse, Lutheran Programs

Bible Brain Teaser, For Kids Only

By The Way: Thought for the Day

This daily devotion is from Dr. Dale Meyer.

Lutheran Programs Web Site

Lutheran Programs Home Page

Order Free Booklets on a variety of life-related subjects

Order Free Booklets on a variety of life-related subjects


A collection of useful music related web links from the Synod Resource Center

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